In laywoman's terms

I'm the odd one always carrying a book, clueless to fashion, making obscure references that no one get. Socially awkward, emotionally constipated, stay-at-home nerd. Hoarder. Self-dubious. Paranoid.

E.M. Forster
Italo Calvino, Esther Benítez
Ricardo Guillermo Mandolini Guardo
Seamas Mac Annaidh
C.G. Jung, Alberto Luis Bixio
October 2013
reviewed: Aprende gramática rápido y fácil
Affordable, very well explained and to the point. This little book is a very useful aid for someone teaching Spanish grammar....
Aprende gramática rápido y fácil - Aída Calderón, Elizabeth Sayún
finished reading:
October 2013
reviewed: El que susurra en la oscuridad: Orden y caos II (Biblioteca Lovecraft)
I've probably read this one some five times already. Weird thing is I like it better and better every time I read it again. T...
El que susurra en la oscuridad: Orden y Caos II - H.P. Lovecraft, Alberto Santos Castill, José A. Alvaro Garrido
finished reading:
October 2013
reviewed: Las alas rotas
I got this book 'cause I wanted to know what all the hype was about this author. I had previously read something by him but i...
Las alas rotas - Kahlil Gibran
finished reading:
September 2013
I read this book without having played the game so I thought this was the first book on the Assassin's Creed saga ('cause tha...
Assassin's Creed: Renaissance (Assassin's Creed (Unnumbered)) - Oliver Bowden
finished reading:
September 2013
reviewed: La Divina Comedia
Hmm. Okay, let's see. I tried reading this book some ten years ago and I found it horrendously boring, and I had the illustra...
La Divina Comedia - Dante Alighieri
finished reading:
August 2013
reviewed: Vampiros vivos y vampiros muertos
This is an old second-hand book. I had some expectations about it 'cause I knew it had some excerpts from Montague Summers' w...
Vampiros vivos y vampiros muertos - Edgar Ceballos
finished reading:
August 2013
reviewed: Fausto. Werther. (Sepan Cuantos, #21)
Oh, I just couldn't stand Faust. It was all over the place. I can't deal with books that have such a lack of a consistent plo...
Fausto. Werther. (Sepan Cuantos, #21) - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
finished reading:
July 2013
I didn't disliked this book. Can't say I loved it either. It presented a nice look into what nobility had to face to remain w...
La condesa - Rebecca Johns
finished reading:
June 2013
reviewed: El Llano en llamas
I happened to read this book in the middle of doing research about the Mexican Revolution and that made thing make more sense...
El Llano en llamas - Juan Rulfo
finished reading:
June 2013
I think it was mostly the cover what made me buy this book. I was on a shopping spree for my birthday (I wasn't the one payin...
Unholy Night - Seth Grahame-Smith
finished reading:
June 2013
I've read some works on the 'Magic realism' genre and I can't get into them. It's so... disjointed and unreasonable, I guess....
Pedro Páramo - Juan Rulfo
finished reading:
June 2013
reviewed: Demonio de libro (Exprés)
This was my first Clive Barker book. I was very enticed by the prospect of a medieval demon trapped inside a book. Sadly, it ...
Demonio de libro (Exprés) - Clive Barker
finished reading:
June 2013
I got through this book in a few hours. It's a very simple story with simple writing and simple characters. A bit predictable...
Never Trust a Dead Man - Vivian Vande Velde
finished reading:
June 2013
reviewed: Svmma Daemoniaca
Peculiar little book about demons written by a Catholic priest. It covers many subjects, such as how demons came to be, how t...
Svmma Daemoniaca - José Antonio Fortea
finished reading:
May 2013
Having been raised a Catholic and being an avid reader this book didn't offer me much I hadn't already come across at some po...
The Devil: A Visual Guide to the Demonic, Evil, Scurrilous, and Bad - Tom Morgan, Genevieve Morgan
finished reading:

Currently reading

Shell Shock Cinema: Weimar Culture and the Wounds of War
Anton Kaes
Howards End
E.M. Forster
El caballero inexistente
Italo Calvino, Esther Benítez
Historia general del psicoanálisis: De Freud a Fromm
Ricardo Guillermo Mandolini Guardo
Dolto/Winnicott: El bebé en el psicoanálisis
Gérard Guillerault
Irish History
Seamas Mac Annaidh
Psicologia y Alquimia
C.G. Jung, Alberto Luis Bixio